LIBERA ME, Domine, Iesu Christe, ab omnibus iniquitatis meis et universis malis,
fac me tuis semper inhærere mandatis et a te numquam separari permittas. Amen.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Society of S. Tarcisius

As part of a ‘Master Class’ in serving Missa Cantata and High Mass (EF) that is taking place today at Blackfriars, Oxford, the Latin Mass Society is inaugurating the Society of S. Tarcisius.

Membership is available to anyone who can competently serve Low Mass in the EF.

Do let me encourage everyone who is duly qualified to join, and support this excellent initiative - and, incidentally, to keep your eyes open for further ‘Master Classes’ in the future, which I understand there are going to be.

Apart from anything else, my personal experience is that having servers trained in the EF greatly enhances the OF - a consommé (as someone once said) devoutly to be wished !


  1. Do you think they'd be interested in some members from Scotland? I have quite a few who'd be interested, I'm sure...

  2. Quick answer - Yes ! (Thus said the Secretary on Saturday.)

    Please see the Society's website for contact details or,if you have any problems, email me and I'll pass it on.

  3. We'd be keen to enrol servers from any part of the traditional Latin world! If you email me then I'll send you an application form by email:
