If you do a check round the various UK Catholic blogs today, there is quite a lot to worry about, one way or another - and I admit that I've contributed my fair share in the past, so please don't think I'm complaining : I'm not; that's exactly what Catholic blogging is all about - encouraging, informing, and generally supporting each other in the Faith.
However : we have a good deal of angst about Bishop Malcolm McMahon's recent remarks in The Bitter Pill, not to mention ongoing stress about the Equality Bill, and the question of mandatory education in the 'normality' of same-sex relationships . . . all matters which quite rightly cause concern amongst Catholics.
What can we do ? Well, I'm sure you know what I'm going to say; but I'm going to say it again anyway . . . pray : pray the Rosary.
If it could work against the Turks at Lepanto, it can work against today's enemies of the Faith.
As S. Philip Neri correctly pointed out, 'If God be with us, there is no-one else left to fear'.
Excellent prayer advice!