Sunday, 17 January 2010

HAITI - Dominican Update

I've now managed to get what appears to be comprehensive information on the effect of the earthquake on the Dominican Family in Haiti.

I'm delighted to say that all the Friars and Sisters survived; and, indeed, apart from one injured Sister, basically unscathed. Sadly, there was apparently one child killed in the school the Sisters ran; but that would appear to be all.

Further, all the members of the Dominican Secular Institute there have also survived; although sadly the two adult daughters of the Group's Moderator were both killed. Please pray for them, and for all those who have died.

At the same time, though, we must thank God, and S. Dominic, that all his sons and daughters in Haiti - his own island - are safe, and are able to continue their work for the good of their brothers and sisters there : an effort in which I am sure the rest of the Dominican Family worldwide will also play their part.


  1. Lord have Mercy on all the dead, who possibly had no time for preparation to meet You.

  2. Indeed - and particularly on those who 'died in their sins', and without the chance of repentance. May Our Lady pray for them.
