LIBERA ME, Domine, Iesu Christe, ab omnibus iniquitatis meis et universis malis,
fac me tuis semper inhærere mandatis et a te numquam separari permittas. Amen.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Mmm . . . Saturday provides a whole new world

Well, after a rather lengthy day yesterday trip to Oxford for the Dominican Funeral as previously mentioned (by a rather lengthy route because the most convenient was apparently still not reliable), and then a further journey back by what turned out to be even more convoluted . . . although that seems to have been at least largely a combination of my lack of knowledge and bad timing.

However : that was today, and having risen early to make sure, it appears that the weather has at least partially improved, so hopefully the journey to northern Kent, and Mac's occcasion, will be comparatively painless . . . and I am quite sure that the Mass itself, assuming that I get there, will  be wonderful. However, we shall have to see . . . there's still much that I can't see from here.

So : more in due course, and in the meantime I would ask that you, like me, will keep Mac in your prayers today as she renews her Vows.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for coming along, DM... it meant a great deal to see you there, and I appreciate the effort it must have taken.

