Saturday, 16 October 2010

A wonderful day like today !

Well, as you may have guessed from the recent posts, I spent this afternoon at the Rosary Crusade . . . and despite the weather not being (shall we say) as good as it often is, the numbers were good, the praying was enthusiastic, and it was an excellent 25th Anniversary celebration : so one trusts that Mother will be joyful at the love which was unmistakably shown her.

What really struck me today, though, was not the event : but the fact that, as I commented about the love and support for Mac after the death of her cat Sylvester recently, there is a real family out there . . . because today emphasized it again to me in different, but very valuable, ways.

When I got to the Cathedral I was talking to an Anglican who was there to take attend the event – an Anglican, I must say, who is currently working out the practicalities of finding her way into the Church, which was what we were discussing – when I was approached by a certain mad young cyclist : young Gregory, now recovered from his unfortunate accident en route to Rome, and saying ‘Hi’ at finding me cluttering up the Cathedral Plaza (I might say that his dedication as a server really showed : he ended up carrying the Processional Crucifix at the front of the Crusade; and whilst it may not, perhaps, be quite the heaviest one about, I think it must be close to the longest procession . . . it takes a little over an hour of steady, if not brisk, walking between the Cathedral and the Oratory . . . so he deserves much praise for his fortitude and stamina !)

I actually walked with an Anglican facebook friend who is currently being prepared for Reception; but when we got to the Oratory I realised that perched on a kneeler at the end of my row was the delightful leutgeb, so I was able to chat to her after Benediction (and briefly meet a number of other people from Blackfen); and there were also quite a number of other bloggers and facebook friends about to whom I was also able to chat at least briefly – which was great fun . . . but what it emphasized, simply, was the fact that we do have a real, solid, family of straightforward (if fairly traditional) Catholics out there who simply want to support and care for each other, and for God’s world and its people.

What a lovely day it’s been : and ‘Thank You’ to all my readers who took part, whether I knew you were there or not.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to chat to ou in real life and hope to see you in Blackfen soon.
