Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Contemptible . . . what else can you call it ?

I note that Fr Mildew has felt it necessary to close down his blog.

Why ? Because he has apparently been threatened by Mgr Loftus.

Such conduct is contemptible : not least because Mgr Loftus has been criticised – as far as I can establish with at least some justification – for several years for his writings, and yet has apparently done llittle or nothing absolutely nothing to bring himself back into line with the Magisterium teachings of the Church from which he has derived his living and his status.

Worse still : in September 2008 he wrote a critique of certain other people’s opinions, and finished it ‘From the time of the apostles Peter and Paul there has always been disagreement in the Church, and it is often vigorously expressed – but, “in all things charity”’ . . . and yet appears to have completely forgotten that last, most precious, dictum when he is the person who feels that he has been offended . . . what ‘charity’ is there in threatening to sue priestly brethren for disagreeing with him ?

I have written about this before; and I repeat it now.

There is , simply, no reasonable likelihood of any such civil claim succeeding; and it must surely be apparent that to threaten such an action when there is no realistic likelihood of it ever achieving anything amounts to nothing more than bullying . . . which is surely not an act of charity.


  1. But Fr. Clifton has debased himself by using pejorative language in his posts about Mgr. Lofthouse, 'Lofty at it again' etc.

    Do read the excellent post by Fr. Michael Mary of the Transalpine Redemptorists about defamatory remarks.

    Fr. Clifton has certainly been defamatory in his criticisms of Mgr. Loftus rather than challenging any issues in a scholarly manner. I would have thought it probably for the best if Fr. Clifton does stop blogging completely and makes a good confession.

  2. Father Clifton's language is anaemic when compared with that of St Thomas More when writing about Luther, whom Gerald Manley Hopkins S.J. called a beast.

    I'm all for a bit of blunt language and sick of nuancing.

  3. I agree. It is contemptible. But I think fr. Clifton has donr harm to his own reputation by closing his blog

  4. Where did Mgr. Loftus write that piece in 2008?

  5. In The Catholic Times apparently, Mac, sometime in late September.

    I found reference to it here :


  6. Perhaps a little wrong to use the nickname 'Lofty' but, come on, it's not that bad, for goodness sake.
    Absolutely in favour of respect for the clergy, including Monsignor Loftus, and of respectful discussion.

  7. Fr Loftus should be more concerned about what Christ will call him on the Day of Judgement than what a fellow priest calls him. If I were Fr Loftus, I would be quaking in my boots. Matthew 25:41.
