Monday, 6 September 2010

Who do I love ? I love you.

And who is that addressed to ?

Well, to put it simply, to you . . . because, for all its innumerable faults and weaknesses, I hope that this blog has one overwhelming good point : a willingness to lay myself open to my Brothers and Sisters in God, and to try and stumble forward in some minor but meaningful way which not only represents at least some of what goes through my head – the ‘Musings of a Penitent Catholic’ to which I refer on the headline – but may also offer you some occasional footholds on your own journey.

Being quite honest, I’m not really trying to change anyone : or rather, I suppose, I am . . . but only by the example of trying to think through my own sinfulness and inadequacy in public, in the hope that a willingness to change myself may not only benefit me, but may also in some slight way benefit those who count themselves my ‘followers’ or ‘readers’ as well.

Believe that you are a constant part of the wall of prayer that I unceasingly try to offer to God : and that I hope that, in time, we may all share together in His eternal home in heaven, through His infinite love and grace, and with each other’s support.

Why does this sudden little meditation appear out of nowhere ? Well, I suppose because remembering and thinking about the events of three weeks ago have focussed my mind since then on certain things . . . one of which has led to this post.

I am all-too-well aware that I had the loving and prayerful support of many followers and readers of this blog, and of friends – and friends of friends – on facebook, throughout that difficult period; and that I owe them a huge amount for it.

I can only ask you to believe that you are all, always, in my loving prayers; and that when, one day, I find God’s love and mercy on the other side of those prayers, and no backward step that I can take, you will travel with me in my love – however hard the route – onwards to the heavenly home where I trust and pray that I shall, in due course, meet you all.

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