Saturday, 4 September 2010

Contemplata aliis tradere . . . a thought

Some of you may say that many of my ‘thoughts’ are not very fully developed; not, perhaps, completely expounded . . . and I don’t begin to challenge you on that point : but there are two reasons for it, both of which are conscious, if not exactly deliberate.

The first is that I try to get the most I can out of my time; and like many busy people, I suspect, many of my ‘meditations’ are only small glimpses of the world – sidelights, rather than floodlights, on the topic . . . so that although I recognize that what I write is by no means comprehensive as a consideration of a particular topic, it is at least allowing you an insight into the various places my mind is going - which I hope may start your mind going in some ways which are helpful to you.

The second is that I personally find meditations – or contemplations – which are too ‘directed’ positively uncomfortable, and very often unhelpful. I’m almost always delighted to have something to start my thinking; but I rarely if ever want to have my entire thought process steered from beginning to end.

Now : I accept that these are two very personal approaches, and I accept that they may not work for everyone. All I can hope is that there are those for whom my approach is helpful, or at least useful. To you, I say a hearty ‘Welcome’, and hope that you will enjoy at least some of my musings, and that they will set you off on your own contemplations . . . and to those of you who don’t find them beneficial, I say a warm ‘Thank You’ for visiting, and sincerely hope that you will find what you are looking for : and to all of you, I say, with complete sincerity, that you are in my prayers, and that I hope and pray that your search will find the light it desires and deserves.

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