This Saturday, 24 July, Blackfriars Oxford will see – as regular readers already know – the Ordinations to the Sacred Priesthood of two Dominicans, frs Robert Gay & Thomas Skeats : but it won’t end there, because there will also be an ordination to the Diaconate – that of fr Lawrence Lew OP, who is arguably one of the best-known of English Dominicans through his wonderful photos, which appear on many websites and blogs around the world, and his articles on New Liturgical Movement and other sites.
This will, of course, be one Blackfriars occasion which fr Lawrence won’t be recording for posterity (although I am sure that one of his friends will); but I am sure that all of his very many friends in the blogosphere will join me in praying for him at this important moment in his life.
Wonderful!!! God bless them.