Monday, 19 July 2010

Oh Dear !

Mac, of Mulier Fortis, has tagged me in a meme . . . fortunately early enough on that I’m not faced with practically every known Catholic blogger having already been tagged before !

What she’s interested in – and I think it’s a splendid idea, because I think it’s something which will interest practically everyone – is prayer : what prayers do we like, and why . . . so here goes.

The Rules (straight from Mac)
The rules, which need to be posted: Name your three most favourite prayers, and explain why they're your favourites. Then tag five bloggers - give them a link, and then go and tell them they have been tagged. Finally, tell the person who tagged you that you've completed the meme... The Liturgy and the Sacraments are off limits here. I'm more interested in people's favourite devotional prayers.

My Prayers
I’m exercising a self-denying ordinance in my interpretation here, because the Rosary would undoubtedly be No.1 on my List : but as it’s actually made up of a compilation of other prayers, I am going to leave it at that mention, and stick to three ‘discrete’ prayers.

1. Salve Regina
I’ve loved this ever since I first heard it – in English – and I often wonder whether it was the Salve which led me, in some way, to my affinity with the Dominican Family : because they are very heavily into it (apart from Eastertide, it is the invariable anthem at the end of the day, instead of the variable one of the ordinary Roman usage). Every Dominican hopes to leave this life to the sound of his/her brethren/sisters singing the Salve, and although my own circumstances are not likely to make that possible, I’d certainly love to . . . to the Dominican melody, of course !

2. Angelus / Regina Cæli
I like these because – being linked to particular times of day – they draw one’s mind back to the central truth of the Incarnation on a regular basis, and remind us constantly of the essential involvement of Christ in our redemption. (I have to confess, also, that the Regina Cæli is a prayer that always ‘gets me going’ – I don’t think I’ve ever got through that first one, after Mass on Easter Sunday, without tears in my eyes . . . Maria Consolata indeed !

3. Act of Spiritual Communion
Work often prevents me getting to Mass on a daily basis : but an Act of Spiritual Communion really is a precious way of keeping in touch with Our Lord . . . and you can say it anywhere, at any time. Many great Saints used to commend it as a regular practice, and although I’m not as good at remembering to make it as often as I am sure I should, there is no doubt in my mind that it is always beneficial.

My Tags
Again, I’ve exercised a self-denying ordinance here – or rather two of them. No clergy – I’m sure they’re too busy – and I’ve also left off the Dominican Students (because they’re all over the place now on their summer placements), and the Dominican Nuns at Summit NJ, because I don’t feel that it’s appropriate to place even the slightest burden on a contemplative community (although if the Novitiate feels like joining in, Sisters, feel free !)

So : first off, the lovely Ros, of Shadowlands. As well as being a fervent promoter of the Rosary, she also has a vast knowledge of the Scriptures, and of interesting prayers, so I look forward to her choices with interest.

Laurence of That the Bones You have Crushed May Thrill is a favourite read of mine, although for no particular reason not somewhere I seem to comment very much; but he combines sound theology with solid devotion, and is always an interesting read, so I think he will have something good to tell us on this topic.

Karen, of Gem of the Ocean describes herself as a ‘Right-minded woman on the Left Coast’, and although there’s been rather a lot of criticism of the alarming antics of the current Obama administration recently, there’s also been interesting material on her reliance on traditional values about the Blessed Sacrament, and her developing fondness for the Extraordinary Form, so again I expect some interesting choices winging their way from the other side of the world.

Hawker of When the Patriarch Was Returning is a liturgist, so will probably provide some unexpected answers; and finally

Rosamundi is a Lay Dominican, and thus will ensure that there’s at least some Dominican influence !


  1. Prayers (apart from the Rosary)

    1) Act of Spiritual Communion

    2) The Pardon Prayer (Fatima)

    3) Holy Face Prayer of Reperation

  2. I have done everything requested, as you asked. Do I get a prize or what? :)

  3. Just in case you're interested in where that meme has gotten to (and how it's mutated), check it out!
