Saturday, 17 July 2010

Hat Right Off !

Apologies for the sudden absence : somewhat bizarrely a power cut brought all my IT-based activities to an abrupt halt on Friday, and left me badly behind when normal service was eventually restored !

This is a brief post to encourage you to read a post by Mac and also the one by Fr Ray to which it links. Both are excellent, and important; so no mere hat-tips here - this is the full-blown doffing of the headgear !

Fr Ray exposes a scandalous situation; Mac gives her own – and entirely right-thinking – take on it.

What both of them are considering, in slightly different ways, is the need either to accept what the Church teaches – like it or not – or to go elsewhere; but in any event to accept that you have no claim whatever to be a Catholic if you refuse to accept that fundamental doctrine that it is the Catholic Church which God protects from error, and which He ensures will survive to the end, so that the teaching of the Catholic Church is the teaching of Almighty God.*

My only caveat is that if you suffer from high blood pressure you may be better to leave Fr Ray’s post until the morning !

(* For the avoidance of doubt : I accept that anyone is entitled to have doubts and uncertainties about matters of faith; and that theologians are even entitled to discuss these. However, that is clearly not the same as actively promoting positions which are at variance with the Church’s teaching, or stating unequivocally that the Church is wrong.)

1 comment:

  1. DM, you are too kind... and I second your point about doubts and uncertainties.
