Saturday, 24 July 2010

Bringing God to His people

Two new priests, and a Deacon . . . I pray that they will be richly blessed by God in His service, and that they will always fulfil their ministry with love and devotion.

Fr Peter Clarke OP in Grenada recently posted an interesting item which – from a somewhat unexpected direction – addressed at least one aspect of that : the question of devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and the cost to some of God’s ministers of making It available to His faithful : and of course Bishop Schneider, in ‘Dominus Est’ told a number of tales about people who showed similar devotion to the need to make Our Blessed Lord physically available to His people.

The history of the Church is full of examples of priests, deacons, and laity who were devoted to the Most Holy Sacrament, and risked – and in some cases, not the least of which was S. Tarcisius, gave – their lives in Its service.

When they made Solemn Profession, they declared themselves to be faithful to the Order, and to the family of S. Dominic, ‘usque ad mortem’.

Today, let us pray that they will show that same fidelity to their ministry of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar to God’s people until they come to stand before Him, and their Holy Father S. Dominic, in the Kingdom of Heaven : to which may God, in His infinite love and mercy, in good time bring them all.

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