Tuesday, 18 May 2010

UPDATE - Society of S Tarcisius

As previously mentioned, the Society of S. Tarcisius was formally established on Saturday, 15 May 2010, during the 'Master Class' for MCs in the Extraordinary Form which was being held at Blackfriars, Oxford.

There was a good attendance at the Master Class, and the most satisfying thing about it was the very high percentage of young people involved; indeed I should think there can have been no more than about four or five people present who were old enough to have been alive on the day when the Novus Ordo came into use.

Even on the day of its establishment, it was obvious that the Society clearly had the scope to become something enormously valuable, both as a resource for training and developing Servers in the Extraordinary Form, and also for providing trained Servers for special occasions and parishes who do not yet have any. Equally, on the basis of Saturday, I believe that we may hope that it will also give its Members a sense of 'community' which will help to further the growth of the Extraordinary Form in the UK; and the LMS who have sponsored it, and David Forster who is the Secretary, are to be warmly congratulated for this exceptional initiative.

Let me recommend every Server who serves the Extraordinary Form - or who wishes to do so - to join. It costs nothing, and even if you already belong to the Guild of S. Stephen, or are perhaps a Brother of the Little Oratory, it is still worth joining; because it means that there is one single, central, body which can relate to (and eventually, we hope, speak for) all Servers who serve the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.

You can find the Society's website here, and you can email the Secretary from here.

1 comment:

  1. great stuff! I have already started trying to spread the word!

    I am also VERY glad this is not just an England & Wales thing. We need to stop things stopping at the Border, and really collaborate!
