It started last evening, and will end tomorrow at 12:15 – in the meantime, prayer will be continuing throughout tonight.
May I encourage anyone who can go, even if only for a short visit, to go and pray for the Holy Father, and for all our priests : and if you can’t go for some reason – and obviously, if you’re in (say) the US, then you have a perfect excuse just at present, with UK airspace closed by volcanic dust ! – then may I encourage you to join with those who will be there by saying a prayer in union with the Quarant ’Ore sometime between now and tomorrow lunchtime ? (A Paternoster and the Corpus Christi collect would be wonderful; anything more a great bonus !)
Equally, if you are a priest reading this, do be sure that you will be in my prayers tonight.
This morning Fr. Gordon added an extra collect etc. for the Holy Father. [And did a votive Mass of the Nativity of the BVM.]