Sunday, 21 March 2010

Sound Familiar ?

Here are two comments, which seem to me to offer interesting (and I think valid) insights into current Catholic life :

On the increasing tide of secularism in modern life :

‘We can never tolerate in silence the rehabilitation of evil. We can never permit ourselves, by way of the false, pseudo-morality of modern science, to believe that the shameless mockery of all things Christian is an unavoidable reality. We should always remember that civilizations go into irreversible decline once restraint is abandoned; that is the lesson of history. Nations collapse. Intellectual aberrations hold sway. Degrading corruption of public standards is everywhere in evidence. These are the inevitable consequences of abandoning God. The stinging criticism that we are retrograde is a badge of honour in this war, not a reason to succumb to the enemy.’

and on . . . well, I'm sure you can think of a possible subject !

‘Silence has another meaning. It is often the case that, for the sake of a false peace and in deference to the false virtue of human respect, Catholics avoid their duties and do not speak out, professing the faith in public as is their duty, denouncing error, defending revealed truth . . . They avoid issues that are controversial, which is tantamount to a profession of neutrality on matters religious, and is the sin of religious indifferentism in practice. . . . In this kind of atmosphere nothing is fixed and stable. Truth coexists with error. Truth becomes intimidated by error. She backs down, she is quiet. She is even wholly silent.’

So : would you like to identify the author ?

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