Thursday, 18 March 2010

Lauda Sion Salvatorem

The solemn Lauda Sion is just beginning at the London Oratory at the close of this year's Quarant 'Ore; and soon Solemn Benediction will signal the end of the event for 2010.

You have all been much in my prayers during it; and I pray that you will all be richly blessed - first of all in the Passiontide and Holy Week which lie immediately ahead - but more generally in the year to come : and I thank all those who have supported this splendid event with their prayers.

1 comment:

  1. The 40 hours were maganificent as always at the Oratory, although I must confess I find Mendelssohn a bit too rumpy trumpety for my liking.

    I do wish they would use the old rite to open and close the 40 hours because in the new rite, mass before the Blessed Sacrment is abolished.
