Monday, 8 March 2010

Decisions, decisions . . .

I received a Comment - which I have not approved (but not yet deleted) - about a Chaplet of prayers, giving a link to a website. When one follows the link, it takes one to a site which purports to have what appear to be 'revelations' from our Blessed Lady to a lady living in (as far as I can tell) the USA.

Now : as Followers and regular readers will know, I'm still quite new to this - and the site in question gives no indication of any Ecclesiastical authority, which I would have assumed was important to validate such 'revelations'.

Should I publish this Comment, with its link, or simply delete it ?


  1. If memory serves I think you should delete it unfortunately I don't remember the name of the person I think you are refering to but it has quite recently been mentioned through the vatican as being false, or more kindly highly suspect. I hope that helps.

  2. Try a google search on the American lady's name and "revelations" and see what it throws up.

    If you don't find anything condemning the revelations, then you are free to publish or not, depending on your own personal inclination.

    (Remember, the faithful are not obliged to accept private revelations...)
    I tend to get a little irritated by comments which are obvious plugs for other sites, unless they are making a point relevant to the post I wrote, unless the comment author asks me nicely to allow the link (along the lines of "Sorry it's off topic, but have you seen this" type thing!)

  3. Does the prayer carry the imprimatur of the Church, or the nihil obstat(sp?), which as far as I know, a Bishop gives?

  4. Many thanks to you all.

    FWIW : if it had had Episcopal Sanction (whether by Imprimatur or otherwise) then - with the possible exception of one or two US Bishops - I'd have had no worries : but it didn't.

    However, although the Google didn't apparently throw up anything helpful, it actually led inadvertently to the relevant name on a Mass Intention list at a Church very close to the mailing address on the website . . . which happens not to be in communion with the Holy See ! (Sedevacantist, I think.)

    Thus . . . problem solved, and thanks again.

  5. I've had a full day today and have only just had a chance to look at your blog this evening.

    It's heartwarming to see the response from other bloggers to your question. This is a good example of what it means to be part of the Catholic blogging community. It's not just about posting about your own ideas but also about responding to and supporting others when appropriate.

    For what it's worth, I think I would also have checked Google before publishing (as I've done on other occasions) and if there's the slightest doubt, I would say, err on the side of caution, and don't publish. Or, at least add some sort of disclaimer.
