Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Be it unto me . . .

I admit that my heart lifts every time I read a post on Moniales OP, the blog of the Dominican Nuns of Our Lady of the Rosary at Summit, NJ, USA : because whenever you see them in their photos, they are all so obviously, wonderfully, in love with God. It is one of my dreams to visit them one day : ideally, I suppose, for October 7th – after all, what better place to spend it ?

In today’s post, they speak of their custom of having a Solemn Chapter on the eve of certain special feasts, during which they have a Homily on the Gospel – and today’s homily was given by Sr Mary Magdalene, who was only clothed as a Novice on the Immaculate Conception.

It is not long; but it is a stimulating and challenging piece which provides many excellent thoughts for our meditations tomorrow, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of Our Blessed Lord.
(I have used the photo above because it seemed to be a particularly appropriate image of the Annunciation to use for several reasons . . . see how many you can identify !)


  1. Easy!

    Annunciation Altar Anglican Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham.

  2. Ah yes ! But I said that I had several reasons for using it : the fact that it was the Altar of the Annunciation is only one of them . . .

    (A Clue; there are two others)

  3. Statues ~ St Dominic to the left and is hta St MM to the right

  4. Quite right - S. Dominic on the left; which seemed appropriate for the Nuns . . . but I'm afraid the little statue of a lady on the right isn't S. Mary Magdalene . . . it's actually Richeldis de Faverches, who had the vision which led to the establishment of the original Shrine at Walsingham in 1061.

    No : the third thing was simply that - as you may have seen from the photos on Moniales OP - the altarpiece is a similar della Robbia Annunciation to the one that had in their Chapter Hall.
