Monday, 15 February 2010

An Unusual Photo

I'd like to direct your attention to Moniales OP, the splendid blog of the Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, NJ, USA, and to today's post in particular.

Over the weekend, they celebrated the First Profession of Sr Joseph Maria OP; and clearly a good time was had by all, as one can clearly see from the splendid photos.

Today, by contrast, there is a single photo of a type that is (shall we say) somewhat rarely seen on blogs : a photo of the Choir of the Monastery, with the body of Sr Mary Rose Dominic OP (who died last Wednesday) lying in the midst of the Choir where for over fifty years she praised God.

Now you may think that I am macabre to find this photo wonderful : but I don't think that's true. Sr Mary Rose Dominic lived a long life in the Order, and in the service of God, and I think it is absolutely right that she spend her last twenty-four hours on earth before the Altar.

More particularly, though, I think it is absolutely right for the Summit Nuns to put this photo of their much loved Sister there, immediately after the photos of Sr Joseph Maria's party . . . because they are two faces of the same coin; two faces of the joy and love of God which one so often sees in the photos from Summit; the two ends of the journey, made in faith, and love, and hope . . . I believe that Sr Joseph Maria will rejoice in the memory of Sr Mary Rose Dominic throughout her life in the Order; and I pray that Sr Mary Rose Dominic will be waiting to greet Sr Joseph Maria when she, at last, goes home to heaven in her turn.

May Sr Mary Rose Dominic rest in peace, and rise in glory : and may Sr Joseph Maria live joyfully in the Order for many years.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting the link. They are beautiful photos. The joy on Sr Joseph Maria's face is obvious to all. This would surely dispel the myth that some people seem to believe that nuns are always solemn, serious people and in some way almost 'coerced' into following their vocation - needless to say, people who think that are often those who have little contact with Religious.

    I think I understand your point about the photo of Sr Mary Rose Dominic too (may she rest in peace). It's also about the continuity of the Religious life too, I feel.
