Monday, 15 February 2010

Godparents & Spiritual Parents

fr Lawrence Lew OP has this lovely ‘family group’ up on flickr of his new Godson with his parents and fr Lawrence following his Baptism at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday.

Seeing it reminded me of my own Godson; and of the obligations which we enter into as Godparents : to make sure that our Godchildren are brought up to know and love God, and walk in the path of truth.

As we get nearer to Lent, it occurred to me that for all of us who are Godparents, that is something we can well do during Lent; make a point of praying, daily, for our Godchildren, that they may receive much grace from God.

And then I was thinking about other ‘spiritual relationships’ : and it dawned on me that Lent is a good time for them too. We all know about ‘Spiritual Mothers of Priests’, and how they support priests by their loving prayers : but there is something similar to that which we can – and should – all do, but all too often don’t : support our priests and religious by our prayers.

So, for Lent, why not identify a Priest, or a Church, or a Religious Community, and make a point of praying for them, every day. It may be your own priest or Church; or one you know of that is having a tough time, or just one you think could do with a prayer . . . but pray for him/it/them, every day in Lent.

Finally, there’s another aspect of Spiritual Parentage which you might like to think of, and which I have mentioned before. Pray, at least occasionally, ‘for those who will make no prayer of their own today’. They – the spiritually lost, lonely, and forlorn – need our prayers more than anyone; and your concern for them will not be forgotten by God.