Saturday, 9 January 2010


Two separate - and very different - posts which I read yesterday eventually fused in my mind.

The first was by the inimitable Fr Mildew, who was discussing - inter alia - a recent article (in a periodical I will not deign to particularize) by fr Timothy Radcliffe OP; the second - in Godzdogz (actually dated January 6th, and headed 'Epipphany Snowfall') was what must surely be a very rare photo of fr Timothy engaged in the somewhat bizarre activity of being amused by a bear in the snow - at Blackfriars, Oxford !

fr Timothy's writings were a significant factor in bringing me home to the Catholic Church, and the article to which Fr Mildew refers is yet another example of his facility for hitting just the right nail exactly on the head at the crucial moment.

When I read Father's post, I went to the website of the periodical in question and read the article to which he had directed my attention; but then found that the first part, in the previous issue, was accessible to Subscribers only . . .

However, today - and in the somewhat unlikely surroundings of the Bishop of London's residence - I noticed a copy of the relevant issue of the loathsome rag on the side table; and having a few moments (and my gloves with me), was able to read the first part of fr Timothy's article, which gave me much further food for thought.

With considerable presumption, I commend the article mightily - although this should not be taken as any endorsement of its regrettable location !


However, fr Radcliffe is not the only famous 'Fr Tim' who has been conspicuous on the blogs in the last day or so, because Fr Tim Finigan (of 'The Hermeneutic of Continuity'), who is in Rome at the Clergy Conference, was selected to be the SubDeacon at the Pontifical High Mass celebrated yesterday in S. John Lateran by Cardinal Canizares Lovera - photos of which seem to be appearing all over the place ! (There is a splendid set on New Liturgical Movement, for instance.)

Obviously, being selected to be a Sacred Minister for a Pontifical Mass sung by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship (in the Extraordinary Form, as well !) in the 'Mother and Mistress of All the Churches of the World' is an enormous privilege for Fr Tim : but I think it must also be seen as something of an accolade for Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen, his splendid Parish.

I rejoice with and for them all; and pray that Fr Tim's ministry - in all its many aspects - will continue to be richly blessed.

(At the same time, I'm grateful he was in Rome today, so that there was no risk of him seeing me with a copy of that periodical in my hands !)

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