Thursday, 31 December 2009


I normally see in the New Year with one group of old friends, then, when I wake, after going to Mass, have a lengthy New Year luncheon with another group of old friends.

This year, for entirely legitimate reasons, the first part of the plan sprang a leak, because the dinner I normally go to tonight has had to be transferred to somewhere I simply could not get back from before tomorrow lunchtime, which would then interfere with the second part of the plan . . . and if you have read below, you will know that what I thought was the ideal alternative - a trip to Blackfen - was also prevented force majeure.

As a result, for once in a way, I am spending New Year at home; and without company - except, of course, for Our Lady, and many Holy Angels and Saints - in prayer; and I'm looking forward to it immensely.

I'm hoping that the technology which in theory allows me to write this now, but have it appear on the Web quasi-miraculously at Midnight will work * : but in any event, whether it appears now, or then, or even later still, be assured that you and all those you love are in my prayers this New Year.

May God bless you, and all of us, and give us a happy and Holy 2010 . . . and most particularly, the grace to love Him more and more every day.

(* It didn't; but I'm still getting used to all this technology, so the fault must be mine, not the computer's - forgive me !)

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